Community Projects

PotentialME C.I.C. is a community interest company set up in 2017 to empower and support residents living in Orpington and surrounding areas within the London Borough of Bromley. Our primary focus is to increase confidence, improve wellbeing and encourage personal development.

Our current ConnectMe projects are funded by Clarion Futures and delivered to residents living in Orpington and surrounding areas to help reduce social isolation and loneliness within our local communities.

Current projects

ConnectMe Digital Skills Learning for over 50s

Discover how gaining new and easy to understand computer skills can improve your online experience and give you confidence in using the internet safely…

We deliver 1-1 tailored coaching and small group workshops for older people aged 50+ with no or little digital skills.

Learn basics skills in using a PC/Laptop, Tablet and/or Smart Mobile Phone to help you stay active and connected to family, friends and your local community to reduce social isolation and loneliness.

Our coaches are friendly, patient and work at your pace.

➡️We will tailor your lessons and workshops to meet your needs.

➡️We will provide you with up to day handouts to take away with you and will help you track your learning journey to help you monitor your progress.

➡️We will help you set learning goals to work towards and we give all learners a certificate of attendance for each workshop you attend.

Why not give it a try, you might surprise yourself and enjoy learning something new 😊



Beginners’ workshops to help learners develop and gain confidence in digital skills.  An opportunity to ask question and practice what you learn, come and join us!

For more information about our future workshops, please use the contact button below to continue.

Empowering Mums: Wellness and readiness to work programme

All Mums have a mixture of thoughts and emotions about transitioning into work after time out to raise their children.

Some feel the excitement and anticipation of getting their brain in action, regular adult conversation, dressing up and being able to eat their lunch peacefully; while the majority have a feeling of dread, anxiousness, and self-doubt, particularly since the Covid-19 pandemic.

How will Mums benefit from attending the programme?
This programme will:
• Help build confidence and self-belief;
• Reduce feelings of anxiety about getting into work;
• Give Mums hints and tips to achieve a healthy work-life balance;
• Help set goals & action plans to support Mums with transitioning into work;
• Help identify personal strengths & career path.

How will the programme be delivered?

PotentialME will use blended learning; workshops, 1-2-1 tailored coaching sessions to empower Mums to manage their anxiety, build confidence, manage their time, problem solve practical barriers and change fixed mindsets about being a working Mum to a growth and balanced mindset.

Who is the programme for?

Mums / Parental Guardians who are:

  • Unemployed for 3 years or more,
  • Currently receiving Job Seekers Allowance; UC or Carers allowance;
  • Have anxieties and low confidence about transitioning into work;
  • Little or no employability skills;
  • In need of help identifying personal strengths and skills and identifying career path;
  • In need of information and guidance on managing practical barriers such as money management and balancing work & family life
  • Tips and hints for finding time for Self-Care

If you have any questions or would like to register or make a referral, contact us here.

PotentialME C.I.C. is grateful to our past and present community partners, Trusts, Foundations for their generous support making what we do possible.

In particular we would like to thank Clarion Futures for the funded opportunities they have given PotentialME CIC this year following the Covid-19 pandemic, which has helped us bounce bank and deliver our new ConnectMe projects which help reduce social isolation and loneliness within the community and our forthcoming project; Empowering Mums: Wellbeing and Readiness to Work…watch this space.